SC&H Capital Advises Real Time Medical Systems on Capital Raise to Further Accelerate Growth


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Real Time Medical Systems (“Real Time”) provides interventional analytics and clinical support software to health systems and long-term care facilities, which enables them to lower the cost of care, reduce unnecessary hospital readmissions, and ensure proper reimbursement. Real Time has over 400 active skilled nursing facility customers and a growing base of large, multi-hospital health systems.

In its first three years of operations, Real Time experienced rapid growth from startup to emergence as a national player with blue chip customers, funded entirely by the founder, Dr. Scott Rifkin, and select board members. The board and management elected to pursue third party growth equity to support its ongoing aggressive expansion plans for the long-term care market and its hospital analytics product in final development. SC&H Capital (“SC&H”) was selected as Real Time’s investment banking advisor to assemble a robust funding group that could provide the necessary capital for the build-out of the technology and sales team, make crucial business connections in the healthcare industry, and provide strategic and operational insights to the growing company.

SC&H thoroughly examined the private markets and different types of investors that would be interested in partnering with the Real Time team, identifying a diverse investor group with broad experience in healthcare and early stage technology companies. SC&H worked with the management team to refine and articulate the company’s business plan and growth model for presentation to different investor groups. As a result of the management team and SC&H Capital’s efforts, Real Time raised over $10M in funding at an above-market valuation and secured highly experienced industry experts for the board of directors to oversee the company’s accelerating growth.

We are thrilled to have the trust of well-respected investors with significant health care experience as we continue our rapid growth”

Scott Rifkin, M.D.


Founder and Executive Chairman


Real Time Medical Systems

Transaction Leaders

Christopher Helmrath

Managing Director