GovCon FAQ #8: What resources are available to learn more about becoming a government contractor?

Updated on: February 26, 2021


While these frequently asked questions should answer many of the basic, highlevel inquiries you may have about getting into the government contracting industry, it is important to know about the resources available where you can obtain more in-depth information. Below, we discuss a few of those options and how they can be used. 

Resources for many different aspects of the government contracting industry, including an introduction to federal government contracting for small business. This provides a resource on how to begin contracting with the federal government and the research behind the demand for your service: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS code), setasides (, Data universal numbering system (DUNS code), System for award management (SAM). This will be an extremely helpful tool for understanding the process of becoming a government contractor. 

Similar to, provides new companies an allinclusive platform for how to start and what to consider in starting a small business government contractor, covering areas from planning and growing your business to specifics on how to set yourself up for bidding and landing general services administration. The GSA is an independent agency of the united states government established to help managed and support the functioning of federal agencies. While various topics are covered on the GSA website, there is specific information about how to become a vendor, compete for contracts, and navigate through the waters of government contracting. (System for Award Management) 

This is the system for award management and where you can go to register to do business with the US government. See also for current opportunities. 

Next Up: GovCon FAQ #1: What are the benefits of working with the Federal government?


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