Fixed-Asset Recordkeeping and Avoiding Overpayment of Business Personal Property Tax

SC&H Group’s, Scott Tyler, will be speaking as a panelist on a webinar hosted by Stafford Publications on Fixed-Asset Recordkeeping and Avoiding Overpayment of Business Personal Property Tax. A company can pay needlessly high property taxes on business personal property if its fixed-asset records are not current and meticulous. If your company does not consistently police and audit fixed-asset ...


Event Details:

Date / Time:

August 1st, 2013 - 8:00am - 5:00pm






SC&H Group’s, Scott Tyler, will be speaking as a panelist on a webinar hosted by Stafford Publications on Fixed-Asset Recordkeeping and Avoiding Overpayment of Business Personal Property Tax. A company can pay needlessly high property taxes on business personal property if its fixed-asset records are not current and meticulous. If your company does not consistently police and audit fixed-asset records, then it is likely overpaying business property tax.

Maintaining “ghost” assets such as outdated equipment carried at high values,continuing to carry non-reportable or exempt property, falling behind on basis adjustments, and failing to isolate unrelated charges such as sales tax or freight gives an assessor all the leverage needed to jack up the valuation.


  • Identifying and reconciling current recordkeeping issues
    • Why problems arise
    • Particular problems with ghost assets and with non-traceable, shorter-depreciable-life and double-reported fixed-assets
  • Recordkeeping and return-filing reforms to implement
    • Maintaining accurate accounting records
    • Historical and purchase-price records
    • Implementing an asset-retirement process
  • Procedural reforms on an ongoing basis
    • Establishing an internal control environment for PP&E
    • Before and after the physical inventory

For more information on this webinar visit This Page