The Mysteries of Medicare

Join SC&H Financial Advisors and Carey Morrison of CMA Insurance Services 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM on March 14, 2019 to learn more about the right Medicare coverage for you to consider.


Event Details:

Date / Time:

March 14th, 2019 - 8:00am - 10:00am


Timonium | Loyola University - Timonium Center




In the past, you’ve probably had someone there to help you choose the right health insurance – whether it was family, friends, or your company’s human resources department. Now you’re sitting at a crossroads with numerous unanswered questions about where to turn next.

Researching Medicare can be extremely confusing.  It’s hard to determine your specific insurance needs and difficult to distinguish between the different types of Medicare supplemental policies. You’re not alone.

SC&H Financial Advisors have partnered with CMA Insurance Services to host an educational seminar to help our clients understand:

  • What is Medicare?
  • Original Medicare basics
  • Getting comprehensive coverage
  • Medicare Advantage
  • Enrollment Periods
  • Part D Prescription Drug coverage
  • Key Terms
  • Avoiding Penalties

Join SC&H Financial Advisors and Carey Morrison of CMA Insurance Services 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM on March 14, 2019 to learn more about the right Medicare coverage for you to consider.