Manufacturing a Smarter Future: Innovation on a Budget

Join SC&H Group and MD MEP for a seminar to feature leading manufacturers providing insights to innovate on a budget.


Event Details:

Date / Time:

October 23rd, 2018 - 8:00am - 10:00am




Seminar, Speaking Engagement


Budgeting for innovation is shaping up to be one of the biggest challenges facing business leaders today. Major disruption from new technology is being felt in every industry, at every level. While the pressure to “transform or perish,” is mounting, advancements in technology have opened the door to opportunities that were unimaginable less than a decade ago. Leading manufacturers recognize that Industry 4.0 creates significant possibilities to increase market share, reduce costs, and improve efficiency.

In that sense, Industry 4.0 enjoys widespread buy-in from manufacturers. But true buy-in – the kind that comes not from the brain, but from the budget and bank account – is where the hurdles lie. Simply formulating a budget around the concept of innovation can seem daunting, if not impossible. It involves a multitude of drivers – not only in the investment in new technology, but in the time, manpower, training, supplies, and space to make it work.

Speakers to Include:

  • Mike Kelleher, President, MD MEP
  • Mick Arnold, CEO, Arnold Packaging
  • Scott Foreman, President, Baltimore Fabrication
  • Jeff Bathurst, Director – Technology Advisory Services, SC&H Group

Join SC&H Group and MD MEP for a seminar to feature leading manufacturers providing insights to innovate on a budget.