CIBER Export Management Bootcamp

Friday, April 28 3:00‐5:30pm – Session III/Terms of Sale and INCO Terms Session Details Angelo will be joining the third session of the bootcamp to provide a 5‐10 minute talk on resources related to terms of sales. Specifically on tax incentives for companies that export. Session III: Terms of Sale & INCO terms In this ...


Event Details:

Date / Time:

April 28th, 2017 - 3:00pm - 5:30pm


Baltimore | University of Maryland BioPark


Speaking Engagement


Friday, April 28
3:00‐5:30pm – Session III/Terms of Sale and INCO Terms

Session Details
Angelo will be joining the third session of the bootcamp to provide a 5‐10 minute talk on resources related to terms of sales. Specifically on tax incentives for companies that export.

Session III: Terms of Sale & INCO terms
In this module we will examine terms of sale and landed cost. When exporting products around the world, it is important for the importer and exporter to agree on the cost of goods, risk of product loss and movement of the goods. This is called terms of sale and is critical to international trade. INCO terms are pre‐defined terms of trade published by the International Chamber of Commerce and widely referenced in international commercial transactions. Management must be in a position to make the best decisions about the level of control they want in the supply chain.

Finally, those engaging in global trade must also understand the importance of landed cost, and not just the quoted price for products. As an exporter, this is critical for determining your competitive position in countries around the world.