Managing Cash Flow Through A Crisis

Whether your business is investor funded and/or grant backed, investors are ALWAYS looking for companies that are pre-revenue or cash flow negative to extend their runway and slow their burn rate — especially in uncertain times. Join our webinar on Wednesday, July 1, to learn about the importance of good data, managing costs, navigating PPP, and grant agreements and flexibility.


Event Details:

Date / Time:

July 1st, 2020 - 11:00am - 12:00pm




Whether your business is investor funded and/or grant backed, investors are ALWAYS looking for companies that are pre-revenue or cash flow negative to extend their runway and slow their burn rate — especially in uncertain times.

Here’s what we’ll cover in our upcoming Cash Flow Management Webinar:

  • The Importance of Good Data
    • Burn rate and how to calculate it
    • Cash flow calculation/projection
    • The best tool in your toolbox is your cash flow statement, but how can it be more useful?
  • Managing Costs
    • Real-life examples on how to speed up “cash in”, while slowing down “cash out.”
    • Separating your expenses into controllable categories
  • Navigating PPP
    • Tips to maximize loan forgiveness
    • Other strategies for cash flow for PPP recipients
    • CARES Act eligible credits and deferrals to improve cash flow
  • Grant Agreements & Flexibility
    • Some grant terms are flexible, and some are more stringent and require draw downs at certain times.
    • We’ll discuss timing for revisiting grant agreements to determine how much flexibility you have.


  • Pam Chelden, Principal — SC&H Group
  • Leanna Steele, Senior — SC&H Group